Reaching and Believing


Reception Booklet

Curriculum Newsletter Summer 1

Long Term Plan

Here are some documents to show some of the learning the children will complete in these areas. It is important to remember that the statements are not a tick list, and it is a guide to the children becoming well- rounded with skills and knowledge to achieve the Early Learning Goals. The children will be assessed against the statutory Early Learning Goals at the end of the reception year.

Reception Baseline Assessment

Early Learning Goals

Development Matters Statements


Please click the button below for some of the resources we use in school, to support your child's development in phonics. These will help you and your child when completing phonics and writing activities.

Home Learning Experiences - Summer 1

Here is a selection of home learning activities that will support your child’s learning at home and school. If you have any other ideas that you would like to complete, then please do so. As your child completes their homework, please bring it to school for us to celebrate with them. It is a great opportunity for your child to talk about their work and what they have created at home. You can complete these tasks over the half term until we break up for Easter. Please click on the image below to enlarge.