D&T Progression of Skills


Year 1


  • Freestanding Structures


  • Levers and Sliders


  • Preparing Fruit and Vegetables

Year 2


  • Wheels and Axels


  • Fruit Salad


  • Templates and Joining Techniques

Year 3


  • Shell Structures


  • Levers and Linkages


  • Healthy and Varied Diet

Year 4


  • 2D to 3D product

Electrical Systems

  • Simple circuits and switches


  • Healthy and Varied Diet

Year 5


  • Frame Structures


  • Combining different fabric shapes


  • Cultural Celebrations

Year 6


  • Pulleys or Gears

Electrical Systems

  • Monitoring and Control


  • Celebrating Culture and Seasonality

Technical Knowledge

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

TK1: Explore and use mechanisms [for example, levers, sliders, wheels and axles], in their products.

TK2: Build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable.

TK3: How to make a stiff, strong shell structure.

TK4: How mechanical systems such as levers and linkages or pneumatic systems create movements

TK5: Understand how to use learning from science to help design and make products that work.

TK6: Understand how to use learning from mathematics to help design and make products that work.

TK7: Understand and use electrical systems in their products.

TK8: Understand how simple electrical circuits and components can be used to create functional products

TK9: Know that a single fabric shape can be used to make a 3D textiles product.

TK5: Understand how to use learning from science to help design and make products that work.

TK6: Understand how to use learning from mathematics to help design and make products that work.

TK10: Know how mechanical systems such as cams or pulleys or gears create movement.

TK11: Apply their understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more complex structures.

TK5: Understand how to use learning from science to help design and make products that work.

TK6: Understand how to use learning from mathematics to help design and make products that work.

TK12: Know that materials can be combined and mixed to create more useful characteristics.

TK13: Use the correct technical vocabulary for the projects they are undertaking.

TK14: Know how to program a computer to monitor changes in the environment and control their products.

TK15: Know that 3D textiles product can be made from a combination of fabric shapes.

Cooking & Nutrition

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

CN1: Select and use appropriate fruit and vegetables, processes and tools.

CN2: Use basic food handling, hygienic practices and personal hygiene.

CN3: Name and sort foods into the five groups in The Eat Well plate.

CN4: Use techniques such as cutting, peeling and grating.

CN5: Know that food has to be farmed, grown elsewhere (e.g. home) or caught

CN2: Demonstrate hygienic food preparation and storage.

CN6: Know that a healthy diet is made up from a variety and balance of different food and drink, as depicted by the Eat Well plate.

CN7: Know that to be active and healthy, food and drink are needed to provide energy for the body.

CN7: Prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes safely and hygienically including, where appropriate, the use of a heat source

CN8: Use a range of techniques such as peeling, chopping, slicing, grating, mixing, spreading, kneading and baking

CN9: Know that a recipe can be adapted by adding or substituting one or more ingredients.

CN7: Prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes safely and hygienically including, where appropriate, the use of a heat source

CN8: Use a range of techniques such as peeling, chopping, slicing, grating, mixing, spreading, kneading and baking

CN9: Know that a recipe can be adapted by adding or substituting one or more ingredients.

CN10: Understand that food is grown (such as tomatoes, wheat and potatoes), reared (such as pigs, chickens and cattle) and caught (such as fish) in the UK, Europe and the
wider world.

CN11: Understand that seasons may affect the food available.

CN12: Understand how food is processed into ingredients that can be eaten or used in cooking.

CN13: Understand that different food and drink contain different substances – nutrients, water and fibre – thatmare needed for health.

CN15: Weigh and measure accurately (time, dry ingredients, liquids)

CN16: Apply the rules for basic food hygiene and other safe practices e.g. hazards relating to the use of ovens

CN7: Prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes safely and hygienically including, where appropriate, the use of a heat source

CN8: Use a range of techniques such as peeling, chopping, slicing, grating, mixing, spreading, kneading and baking

CN9: Know that a recipe can be adapted by adding or substituting one or more ingredients.

CN14: Understand that recipes can be adapted to change the appearance, taste, texture and aroma.

Developing, planning and communicating ideas

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

D1: Draw on their own experience to help generate ideas.

D2: Suggest ideas and explain what they are going to do.

D3: Identify a target group for what they intend to design and make.

D4: Model their ideas in card and paper.

D5: Develop their design ideas applying findings from their earlier

D1: Generate ideas by drawing on their own and other people’s experiences.

D2: Develop their design ideas through discussion, observation, drawing and modelling.

D3: Identify a purpose for what they intend to design and make.

D4: Identify simple design criteria.

D5: Make simple drawings and label parts

D1: Generate ideas for an item, considering its purpose and the user/s.

D2: Identify a purpose and establish criteria for a successful product.

D3: Plan the order of their work before starting.

D4: Explore, develop and communicate design proposals by modelling ideas.

D5: Make drawings with labels when designing

D1: Generate ideas, considering the purposes for which they are designing.

D2: Make labelled drawings from different views showing specific features.

D3: Develop a clear idea of what has to be done, planning how to use materials, equipment and processes, and suggesting alternative methods of making, if the first attempts fail.

D4: Evaluate products and identify criteria that can be used for their own designs

D1: Generate ideas through brainstorming and identify a purpose for their product.

D2: Draw up a specification for their design.

D3: Develop a clear idea of what has to be done, planning how to use materials, equipment and processes, and suggesting alternative methods of making if the first attempts fail

D4: Use results of investigations, information sources, including ICT when developing design ideas

D1: Communicate their ideas through detailed labelled drawings.

D2: Develop a design specification.

D3: Explore, develop and communicate aspects of their design proposals by modelling their ideas in a variety of ways.

D4: Plan the order of their work, choosing appropriate materials, tools and techniques

Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

M1: Make their design using appropriate techniques.

M2: With help measure, mark out, cut and shape a range of materials.

M3: Use tools e.g. scissors and a hole punch safely.

M4: Assemble, join and combine materials and components together using a variety of temporary methods, e.g. glues or masking tape.

M5: Use simple finishing techniques to improve the appearance of their product

M1: Begin to select tools and materials; use vocab’ to name and describe them.

M2 Measure, cut and score with some accuracy.

M3: Use hand tools safely  and appropriately.

M4: Assemble, join and combine materials in order to make a product.

M5: Cut, shape and join fabric to make a simple garment. Use basic sewing techniques.

M6: Follow safe procedures for food safety and hygiene.

M7: Choose and use appropriate finishing techniques

M1: Select tools and techniques for making their product.

M2: Measure, mark out, cut, score and assemble components with more accuracy.

M3: Work safely and accurately with a range of simple tools.

M4: Think about their ideas as they make progress and be willing change things if this helps them improve their work.

M5: Measure, tape or pin, cut and join fabric with some accuracy.

M7: Use finishing techniques strengthen and improve the appearance of their product using a range of equipment including ICT.

M1: Select appropriate tools and techniques for making their product.

M2: Measure, mark out, cut and shape a range of
materials, using appropriate tools, equipment and techniques.

M3: Join and combine materials and components
accurately in temporary and permanent ways.

M4: Sew using a range of different stitches, weave and knit.

M5: Measure, tape or pin, cut and join fabric with some accuracy.

M6: Use simple graphical communication techniques

M1: Select appropriate materials, tools and techniques.

M2: Measure and mark out accurately.

M3: Use skills in using different tools and equipment safely and accurately.

M6: Cut and join with accuracy to ensure a good-quality finish to the product

M1: Select appropriate tools, materials, components and techniques

M2: Assemble components make working models.

M3: Use tools safely and accurately.

M4: Construct products using permanent joining techniques.

M5: Make modifications as they go along

M6: Pin, sew and stitch materials together create a product.

M7: Achieve a quality product

Evaluating processes and products

Year 1 Year 1 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

E1: Evaluate their product by discussing how well it works in relation to the purpose.

E2: Evaluate their products as they are developed, identifying strengths and possible changes they might make.

E3: Evaluate theirproduct by asking questions about what they have made and how they have gone about it

E1: Evaluate against their design criteria.

E2: Evaluate their products as they are developed, identifying strengths and possible changes they might make.

E3: Talk about their ideas, saying what they like and dislike about them

E1: Evaluate their product against original design criteria e.g. how well it meets its intended purpose.

E2: Disassemble and evaluate familiar products.

E1: Evaluate their work both during and at the end of the assignment.

E2: Evaluate their products carrying out appropriate tests.

E1: Evaluate a product against the original design specification.

E2: Evaluate it personally and seek evaluation from others.

E1: Evaluate their products, identifying strengths and areas for development, and carrying out appropriate tests.

E2: Record their evaluations using drawings with labels.

E3: Evaluate against their original criteria and suggest ways that their product could be improved.